Making Global Connections

The Wolfe Family. Their youngest son holds a doll made by a close family friend that represents the child in Burundi that has been chosen for their adoption.

The Wolfe Family. Their youngest son holds a doll made by a close family friend that represents the child in Burundi that has been chosen for their adoption.

Local family adopting internationally

Testimony by the Wolfe Family


God is good, and I want to share a story our family recently experienced to prove it!

God’s Calling

Last year we came to know that the LORD was calling us to adoption. That is another story all by itself. For now, I will stick to this one specific part of our story that involves The Journey magazine and Chosen Ministry.

After much confirmation from the LORD, we filled out a pre-application for an adoption from Burundi, Africa. The pre-app went right through and the agency set everything up to move forward. The next step: paying our first portion of the adoption fees.

If you haven’t adopted internationally, then you really don’t understand when I say the expense is enormous! So, as we looked at this impossible amount, we knew there was no way we could do it alone. God had called us to it, and He would provide. We started to pray.

God’s Hand at Work

We began to get financial gifts, but we still didn’t have enough to begin the adoption. One morning I was praying and asking God to show us where the money would come from. And boy, did He answer!

I was checking emails one day when I noticed I had missed one. It needed an immediate response and I ended up having to go in person to a business in the community to drop something off. As I walked through their door, I instantly saw a stack of The Journey magazines on the front counter. On the cover was a beautiful family, and as I took a closer look, I read the word “adoption” next to their picture. I grabbed a magazine, finished my business, and headed to my car.

I read the article right there in my car, and learned that not only had this family adopted, but they also have a ministry here in Boone that offers support and help with funding for adoptions and fostering! I immediately grabbed my phone and looked up Chosen Ministry. I then sent them an email and they replied right away, and soon we set up an appointment to meet.

That meeting was such a blessing to us! They are amazing people and we cried as we shared our stories. We all knew God had used that article to make this connection.

Answer “Yes”

To keep the story short, they provided us with a huge financial blessing and within a week we were submitting our first payment, signing the contract to begin our adoption, and were 75% funded!

As we live out this story, we are getting to know so many others that are a part of this “Chosen” community in Boone and have been amazingly blessed by how God is working. I can’t wait to see all the things He is going to do!

If you feel Him calling you to something, answer “yes!” and trust God to provide all you need and more!