Online Advertising Info
Connect your business to stories that encourage
countless lives in their faith journeys
Our Purpose
To share the spiritual journeys of our High Country community and how those journeys serve to strengthen a relationship with God. Whether you’re already planted firmly in your faith or you’re still searching for answers, is for you.
Since we became active in posting blogs in March 2020, we have averaged 678 website visits and 2,181 social media views per post. Any extra money you pay in addition to a print ad will enable us to increase traffic and engagement to these meaningful and inspiring stories. seeks to further our reach from those who see our print magazine to a broader audience online. Having an online presence gives these local stories an opportunity to be shared worldwide!
Ad Design
We design the ads to match our website design guide. Ads will include your logo, tag line, business info and link to your website or FB page.
Get more bang for your buck by advertising in the Print Magazine and Advertising on our website. You will get exposure to your desired audience in diverse ways, increasing your chance to win their business.