A Glimpse Of Heaven
From the Archives: 2009
Written by Rebecca Jones
It happened February 5, 2004. My parents had a flower shop and on that day my mom and I were delivering flowers to a church in Grassy Creek for a viewing. The forecast called for bad weather so we were anxious to deliver the flowers and get back home.
On the way back, as we came through the curves at Shatley Springs, I turned on my wipers which made a smear of ice on my windshield. I was only doing about 35 mph, but I said to my mother, “Mom, we’re in trouble.” Just then the van began sliding.
Fortunately, there was no one coming the other way. I was able to get the van to straighten up but as soon as I did it began to slide again. This time we slid off the road and hard into a bank. The van flipped in the air and landed on its top. I distinctly remember hearing my neck pop three times. In my mind I was sure my neck was broken and that I was going to die. Then I blacked out, but as I was out I had the most amazing experience.
Rebecca Jones
I began to drift into a peaceful state of mind. I saw the most beautiful, green rolling hills under a clear, blue sky. There was a gentle breeze and I was just floating along. It felt so good, better than any feeling you could imagine…no pain, no troubles, and no worries. It was just exactly what you might picture heaven to be like.
Suddenly I heard my mom hollering for me. She had hit her head, too, when we slammed into the bank and had blacked out for a few moments. When she awoke, the van was smoking and she quickly climbed out. Fearing that the van would catch fire, Mom was hollering for me to wake up and get out. Moaning and groaning, I climbed out of the upside-down van.
The first person on the scene of the accident was my old high school band director, Scott Turnmyre. He was the first person I saw as I climbed out of the van. Then I blacked out again. When I woke again there were lots of people around.
Amazingly, I had no serious injuries. I was banged up a bit and had a little whiplash but other than that, not even any cuts. The van, on the other hand, looked like it had been t-boned. It was as if God had surrounded Mom and me with a cushion of protection inside the van during the crash.
My dad is a preacher so I had grown up going to church. All my life I had been taught about a beautiful place called heaven. For those few moments that I blacked out, I believe God gave me a glimpse of heaven.
I didn’t say anything about it to anyone except my mom. She, too, had experienced a deep peace while she was knocked out, but she didn’t see what I saw. Finally, after about a year, I told my dad about the beautiful green hills, blue sky and how I floated on a gentle breeze during my unconsciousness.
Dad said, “You need to be telling that. That’s something God wants you to share with others.” Ever since then, I have told people about my glimpse of heaven.
I can’t answer the question of why God chose to let me have a little peek at what heaven is like. All I know is that it gave me the reassurance that there is life after death and that heaven is the most beautiful, peaceful place you could ever imagine. And who knows, maybe my glimpse of heaven will lead someone to put their trust in God.