O God, Strengthen My Hands

From Mom and Dad’s House, to the White House, to a Cabin in Boone — the Journey of a Stateswoman

By Hannah Westergreen with Deanna Ballard

Deanna on the streets of West Jefferson in Ashe County, NC. Photo by Carolina Gypsy CO

Most people do not have the opportunity to participate in politics as an elected official. Working in the political arena requires hours away from home, knowledge of public policy, skills in public engagement, and the foundation of support from their community. Deanna Ballard, Senator for North Carolina’s 45th District, is privileged to step into this microcosm of government as both an elected official and as a committed follower of Jesus Christ. Deanna’s testimony reflects God’s abundant provision and sovereignty as each step from Lincoln County, to college, to the White House, to Boone, is marked by God’s fingerprints. As Deanna actively serves the Alleghany, Ashe, Surry, Watauga, and Wilkes communities, she continues to display the genuine marks of a Christian stateswoman in all aspects of her Senate position and involvement within the community, while encouraging those around her to do the same. 

Deanna grew up in Lincoln County, North Carolina, which is roughly an hour and a half south of Watauga County. Lincoln County’s southern charms—classic southern hospitality and tight-knit communities— and the influence of the local church greatly shaped Deanna and the woman she would become. Deanna grew up with two supportive and faithful Christian parents and was their only daughter, sandwiched in between two brothers. Deanna’s family regularly attended church and her parents were active members within the church family. Her mom served as a Worship Director in church and her dad served in multiple positions, including Custodian, Deacon, and Sunday School teacher. Deanna and her brothers were also active in Vacation Bible Schools, various youth mission trips, and retreats, including to North Carolina’s notable coastal summer camp at Fort Caswell. 

This way of life, instilled in Deanna by her parents and other Christian leaders in her Lincoln County community, afforded Deanna the opportunity to fully understand the depths and truths of the Gospel. At the age of six, Deanna decided to accept Christ as her personal Savior. This was just the start of a lifelong adventure and calling of obedience that Deanna would soon embark on. The Godly leadership present in Deanna’s childhood, through the example of her parents, grandparents, and other friends and family, would become the building blocks added to Deanna’s cornerstone, Jesus Christ, as she started to make her own decisions after high school. 

On a trip with Mrs. Bush to the Bamiyan province in Afghanistan in 2007, Deanna had the chance to talk with young Afghan school girls.

When praying through post-high school decisions, Deanna explained that deciding to choose a college that was over 400 miles away from home was a huge, independent leap of faith. Deanna was the first one in her family to attend a four-year university and received her bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management. This act of faith was one of many yet to come as Deanna continued to seek God’s will for her life. While attending college in Nashville, Deanna became interested in politics. Her roommate was the daughter of a political candidate in South Carolina, which afforded the two friends with several opportunities to volunteer and support a congressional campaign. When asked about this early political engagement, Deanna reflected, “It was the first time I had gotten the chance to see what it means to actually run for office and to see, up-close, a strong Christian running for office. It was my first experience ever being involved in politics.” No matter what the opportunity was, whether planned or not, Deanna remained open to the Lord’s guidance. “As I took steps of faith, God continued to open doors.” 

Deanna’s early political interest, mixed with the Lord’s provision of opportunities, did not stop after college. After graduation, Deanna faced the daunting challenge of finding her first post-graduate job. When President George Bush was running for office, his campaign came to Charlotte, North Carolina. Deanna volunteered as part of the advance team that prepared for the visit, and after this initial campaign involvement, doors continued to open wide. “Two weeks after I had volunteered, I ended up getting a call from Vice-President Cheney’s office asking for me to go to a political event in Oklahoma. Things just kept evolving from there with the Bush administration.” In 2003, Deanna traveled on her first international advance trip supporting President Bush at the NATO summit in Istanbul, Turkey. 

The college decision, leading Deanna 400 miles from home, no longer seemed like such a long distance. Deanna spent a total of 7.5 years in the Bush administration but her last four years were in the White House serving as Director of Advance and Operations for the First Lady, and occasionally advance lead for the President. This meant she had an office in the East Wing and was responsible for strategizing, directing, negotiating, and a congressional campaign. When asked about this early political engagement, Deanna reflected, “It was the first time I had gotten the chance to see what it means to actually run for office and to see, up-close, a strong Christian running for office. It was my first experience ever being involved in politics.” No matter what the opportunity was, whether planned or not, Deanna remained open to the Lord’s guidance. “As I took steps of faith, God continued to open doors.” 

January of 2009; Deanna and her parents with President Bush and Mrs. Bush - This would be Deanna’s final time in the Oval Office.

Deanna’s early political interest, mixed with the Lord’s provision of opportunities, did not stop after college. After graduation, Deanna faced the daunting challenge of finding her first post-graduate job. When President George Bush was running for office, his campaign came to Charlotte, North Carolina. Deanna volunteered as part of the advance team that prepared for the visit, and after this initial campaign involvement, doors continued to open wide. “Two weeks after I had volunteered, I ended up getting a call from Vice-President Cheney’s office asking for me to go to a political event in Oklahoma. Things just kept evolving from there with the Bush administration.” In 2003, Deanna traveled on her first international advance trip supporting President Bush at the NATO summit in Istanbul, Turkey. 

The college decision, leading Deanna 400 miles from home, no longer seemed like such a long distance. Deanna spent a total of 7.5 years in the Bush administration but her last four years were in the White House serving as Director of Advance and Operations for the First Lady, and occasionally advance lead for the President. This meant she had an office in the East Wing and was responsible for strategizing, directing, negotiating, and executing domestic and international trips in preparation for the First Lady or President’s visits. Deanna explained that her role was similar to a football quarterback, making things happen on the field. On an average day, she could be responsible for managing up to 125-150 people in as many as seven different countries all at the same time while collaborating and communicating with the White House Military Affairs office, the Press Shop, Ambassadors, Foreign Ministers, United States Secret Service, National Security Council and the White House Communications Agency. With the large scale of work, an ever-changing environment, and the nature of working in the White House, Deanna learned invaluable lessons of flexibility, trust, honesty, integrity, and the importance of building strong community and relationships. Overall, “remaining calm under pressure and being decisive” were integral skills for Deanna to master while working in this environment at such a young age. Most importantly, she stated, “I had to be intentional and really disciplined in spending time with the Lord through Scripture and prayer. This simply can’t be replaced and had to be a priority despite the demanding work schedule. God promises He is always with you and you need to embrace that - whether it’s in D.C., Boone, or Raleigh.” 

Deanna with her East Wing Colleagues standing on “Pebble Beach” at the White House where television news organizations broadcast their reports.

Despite the incredible opportunity and position with the Bush Administration, Deanna’s time in Washington D.C. would not extend past the administration’s eight years of service. In 2009, Deanna moved back into her parents’ home in Lincoln County. As she humorously explains it, “I went from the White House to my mom and dad’s house.” It was a time of rest and provided Deanna with a moment to pivot to the next task God would place in her path. While searching for a new job, a mutual contact connected her with Samaritan’s Purse. After exploring the new opportunity, Deanna decided to accept the position of Director of the Office of the President, working closely with Franklin Graham. As with her prior job in the White House, God continued to open the right doors, using the skills and experiences she had developed in Washington D.C. to support an international non-profit organization in Boone, North Carolina. While working at Samaritan’s Purse, God called Deanna to consider an opportunity of public service. Through a series of events, including the timing of the Decision America Tour with Franklin Graham, and the reading of the scriptural stories of Gideon and Nehemiah, Deanna determined it was time to take on a new challenge: she would run for office herself. 

“Everyone told me I would lose - I was the underdog. But, I ended up winning!” Deanna shared when reflecting on her first election. This most recent calling in Deanna’s life is truly a testimony to what God can do with those who are obedient to Him and His call on one’s life. “My calling to public service really has been all about God showing me that He can use whoever He wants. I am just a country girl from Lincoln County - the daughter of a logger and schoolteacher. My parents really had no consistent involvement with politics.” When Christians give God their whole lives, including their dreams, their plans, their families, and their jobs, God moves in mighty ways. God has shown us in scripture that He can use a doctor, a fisherman, or even a tax collector, to do the unexpected through the ordinary. All God asks is to first, believe in Him, accept Him as your Lord and Savior, and ultimately obey His truths. Deanna loves the book of Nehemiah where we find a rich example of obedience and dedication to the work of Jesus Christ. As Nehemiah oversaw the rebuilding of Jerusalem in mid-5th century B.C., he was often opposed and criticized, but cried out “O God, strengthen my hands” (Nehemiah 6:9 ESV). 

Deanna with her mom and dad back home on Ingleside Farm Road in Lincoln County.

Deanna has asked God for the same thing thousands of years after Nehemiah prayed this original prayer- “O God, strengthen my hands.” As a State Senator, Deanna needs strengthened hands to continue, both metaphorically and literally, building the towns and communities in the 45th District. There are schools to strengthen, farms to protect, cities and businesses to encourage, opposition to overcome and citizens to represent. The work that Deanna completes as State Senator would be lacking without God’s strength. Public service is demanding and requires difficult decisions and conversations with persons holding opposing views. In today’s society, Americans are torn between party platforms, opinions, gas prices, war, vaccines, etc. Therefore, it is crucial to seek peace in and through Jesus Christ. When serving in the district and across the state, Deanna strives to be reasonable, approachable, honest, and works hard to deliver results. 

Following Hurricane Matthew, Deanna joined Samaritan’s Purse in Pinetops, NC to rebuild homes.

Deanna’s work does not stop here. Society does not simply rest on the decisions of one person, including the decisions of State Senators, Federal Representatives, Judges, the President, professors, and pastors. It is the calling of the Christian community, to effect change and impact culture and persons for the greater glory of Jesus Christ. Deanna exhorts her constituents “to approach conversations with less pre-determined conclusions about what people are going to say or think, and to be intentional in building community. You can be truthful, firm, and also gentle in your speech, as well as loving.” To young professionals and Appalachian State University students, Deanna encourages them to be “proactive in sitting down with people, even those that think differently than you. Get involved locally in professional networking groups, a church; or volunteer for one of our many local community organizations like Hospitality House, Valle Crucis Community Park, or our local schools. You have a lot to offer no matter your background, skillset or interests. Appreciate what is here and those who have made Boone what it is. Work together and be intentional in conversations to keep this community strong.” Our Appalachian Mountains are full of opportunities to rest, strengthen, and serve one another. 

One of Deanna’s favorite activities is supporting small business owners across the district. Here she is visiting a women-owned business in West Jefferson, NC, Sweet & Savory Bakery. Photo by Carolina Gypsy CO. 

In conclusion, Deanna shared: “[Where we live] is such a beautiful part of the state! … I really do love the people in the High Country. Honestly, it was a challenge when I first moved here — I had no friends, no family, and was uncertain about it all. But, I moved on faith, and God honored that step. It’s hard to imagine that I now represent the very people and communities who were at first skeptical, but now graciously embrace me. What a blessing it all is.” This passion for the 45th District is fueled by the story of a stateswoman who was and is faithful to answering the call of service throughout her life. Whether it was climbing trees or riding four-wheelers at her Lincoln County home, or pursuing college ambitions, or traveling to over 60 countries with the President of the United States, or packing and distributing shoeboxes with Operation Christmas Child, all have shaped Deanna’s attitude and her work ethic in executing her service as a State Senator to nearly 200,000 people. She values good people and civil discussions, and the potential and success of others while remaining purposed in her heart to obey God’s direction and next steps. 

Deanna’s journey may look different than yours. But God clearly reveals that His promise, “He is with us,” is true no matter where your path takes you. God continues to use Deanna’s testimony and Biblical values to shape a positive culture here at home in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains and in other spheres of influence. Let’s be encouraged to take action, step out in faith, in boldness, and in sincerity of heart so that God will strengthen our hands in building our homes and our communities. May we seek to remain obedient to the tasks and opportunities God provides each and every one of us. 

* Before this article was written, a new district formed due to updated NC population figures, resulting in Ballard running against another Republican in the primary election. Alleghany, Ashe, Watauga, Avery, Mitchell, Madison, Yancey, and portions of Caldwell and Haywood counties comprise the new district. While Ballard narrowly lost the election, she plans to continue working with Samaritan’s Purse and with educational partners across the state. She is unsure if she will run for office again.* 

Be on the lookout for our video interview with Deanna, coming soon!