Journey of Healing
By: Bob Roten
How Bob Roten learned to trust the Lord’s plan in the process of being healed
I appreciate this opportunity to share and reflect on the times when God’s healing touch came in ways that it was Him and only Him that restored. Yes, I am the recipient of Divine Healing. And my commitment to God is to share the bring God glory.
Please know that my delay in writing this is due to location. The inspiration to write came as I returned “home” to the High Country. These mountains are God’s special revelation that revive and restore.
My years of growing up were in the Rich Hill Community of Ashe County. The nurturing of my Christian faith came from Grandma Laura and my Mom, Irene. Their strong faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior came forth daily in their words and deeds. My faith in Jesus as Healer came from them.
In thinking back over my years, I am blessed to have lived through many “highs” and “lows”. The “highs” are the times when life is great and the thanksgivings to God flow easily. The “lows” come with the disappointments that bring the “Why me?” question to God. In my journey, the lowest “Why me?” came in 2008 with the diagnosis of prostate cancer. I now focus on that journey with this testimony.
Giving glory:
Bob Roten lifts his arms in praise. Bob faced a terrifying diagnosis of cancer, but was fully healed when he surrendered to God’s will.
A week before the surgery, I met the surgeon. I still remember the look on his face when he shared the results of the biopsy. He said, “You have one of the worst, if not the most cancerous prostate I have seen.” With further explanation, he felt that the cancer’s severity had spread beyond the prostate to my bones and other parts of my body.
Thankfully, the prescribed CT and bone scans that followed took that fear away. The cancer was contained within the prostate.
I must share this about my journey, before the cancer diagnosis, God called me away from working as a corporate executive in Charlotte to preach and preside over a church near Lake Wylie. While bringing forth a service of healing to the congregation, a small voice inside said, “Bob, imagine how much more powerful this would be if you could share a testimony of your healing.” The diagnosis of cancer came two months later!
The night before the surgery, I cried out to God asking for more time. I did not want to die. I asked for His will to be done. I asked for healing. Then, while talking to God, I prayed:
“Dear Heavenly Father let this not be selfish in your sight. I ask that you give me more time on this earth to serve you. When healed and given opportunities to testify of your healing power, I will testify and not turn away. And during this time, give me the strength to smile and endure. Help me to not burden others. I ask and pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. AMEN”
Three years passed following the surgery with blood samples taken as prescribed by my urologist. At times, the PSA test indicated a possible reoccurrence of cancer. Then, with the scary news, I would send out prayer requests and attend services of healing at nearby churches. Also, Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, FL was recommended as a place to go for healing and instruction in prayer-team ministries. The results were the same as follow- up PSA tests revealed the return to a favorable, noncancerous level. But in the fourth year, these protective disciplines no longer worked.
In exploring the recommendations from doctors, I was told that if medical science was to help, I needed to immediately accept a Lupron injection followed by thirty- eight radiation treatments. Janis, my wife, sat with me as everything was explained. She was told to return to her employer and ask for family leave to be with me during the last five weeks of the treatment. By then, I was to be too weak and tired to do much on my own.
My plea to the radiation oncologist did not work as I asked for a follow-up PSA upon returning from Christian Healing Ministries. I was enrolled to go there the next week. In short, the Lupron injection had to be administered the next day, and the first radiation treatment was to begin a week later. To delay the injection until after returning from Jacksonville would eliminate the opportunity for treatment in Boone at the Seby-Jones Cancer Center. I knew of a pending church relocation but did not know where. And radiation treatments cannot begin in one location and finish in another. Later that day Janis drove back to Charlotte where she worked, and I came home to return and serve as pastor for the Bethelview and Valle Crucis United Methodist Churches. That night I prayed and asked God for His will to be revealed and done:
“Dear God, You know about today and everything about me. You know of my faith in your Divine Healing touch and power. You have brought me thus far through this journey of cancer. You have healed and strengthened me time after time. Now, with this sudden rise in the PSA level, what am I to do? Am I to go forward with the Lupron and radiation, or am I to remain steadfast in your Divine Healing touch? Father, I am not giving up on you and I will not turn from you. Please, Lord, give me your answer and peace. In Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN”
The next morning, I returned to the Seby-Jones Cancer Center for the Lupron injection. I went with the peace of God’s answer. I was to proceed with the help from specialists and medical science. In doing so, I would be like other men who have gone through and will go through the rigors of prostate cancer treatments. I would have lived through their experiences and be better prepared to minister to their “low” moments. After the Lupron injection, I drove to Jacksonville, FL to Christian Healing Ministries for a week-long period of meditation, prayer, and instruction. The thirty-eight radiation treatments began when I returned to the High Country.
Together in Christ: Bob Roten and wife Janis, who supported him through his ordeal with cancer.
Following the first radiation treatment, I came home and went directly to bed. The intense abdominal pain brought me to a fetal position. I prayed to God in saying,
“Dear Almighty God, this pain inside me is more than I expected. If these radiation treatments are to be this way, I fear they will be more than I can bare. Father God, I ask now for your strength in getting me through this. I ask that I remain strong in body, mind, and spirit through these treatments. May I be your beacon of light as others know what I am going through. Use me as your means of showing others that you are a living God that loves and gives the strength to endure. God, use me to bring You glory! In Jesus’ name I pray this. AMEN”
God answered the prayer. The remaining thirty- seven radiation treatments went well with minimal pain. And throughout those weeks, I continued preaching to the two congregations, visiting the sick, and leading Bible studies. Janis did not have to leave her work to be with me. I was able to continue caring for myself.
Following the last radiation treatment, the radiation oncologist looked at me and said, “Bob, you have handled these radiation treatments very well.” Then, I responded, “It isn’t me; it is God.”
After that last treatment, my urologist prescribed PSA blood tests every six months for five years. During these last five years, the PSA test has been annual. Every test has brought the same result, “0.0”... no cancer. Whether the healing came from the return to Christian Healing Ministries or from the Lupron and radiation treatments, I do not know. What I undoubtedly know and believe is that God loves and answers the unselfishprayers for healing from His faithful children who yearn to live for Him in bringing Glory to His name.