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Third Day Market

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Glorifying God Through Gardening And Community In Ashe County

By Nikki Roberti

Kaitlin Carpenter doesn’t remember a time when she wasn’t surrounded by acres upon acres of Christmas trees and pumpkins. Born and raised in Grassy Creek, NC to Don and Jennifer Smith, she has memories of helping her dad paint a sign that said “Pumpkins for Sale” when she was around six years old. Little did she know, that sign from her childhood stood in the very spot she and her father would start their current business together decades later.

Joy Through Gardening

This past March, Third Day Market opened its doors as the newest up and coming seasonal decor and garden center in Ashe County. It all started as a roadside stand back in 2001 where her family would sell pumpkins and flowers, but there was always the hope it could grow into something more.

“The dream of owning a full garden center was my dad’s at first, but quickly became mine as well as he shared with me more and more what exactly a garden center was,” she said. “My dad, especially, has always been driven by faith, and he’s the one who always reminds me to be patient, that everything happens in God’s time.  I’m so thankful to have had that reminder.” 

The team at Third Day Market travels the country hand-selecting high quality plants and decor to offer their customers, but the ultimate goal is to bring joy to those who wander into their store. 

“We always say ‘we just want everyone to be HAPPY,’” Carpenter said. “Whether that’s buying a new silk arrangement for your Thanksgiving table, spending time with your daughter at a Fairy Garden class, or purchasing plants from our greenhouse-- happiness and love is what we strive for.”

The Perfect Representation

For the Smith’s and Carpenters, they wanted Third Day Market to not only be a reflection of themselves, but also their faith. Carpenter grew up in a Christian home and immersed in the culture, but said she didn’t truly come to a personal relationship with Christ until after college and returning to Ashe County. She was 25 years old and nine months pregnant with her and her husband’s second child when she found herself on her knees during an altar call. Two weeks later on February 7, 2016, she gave birth to her daughter, Landrey, and said she’s been sharing the love of God with her ever since. 

That was also the year her family bought land for what would eventually become Third Day Market.

Seeing as Christ is number one in their own lives, the family put a lot of thought into naming their business to make sure it reflected their personal faith along with their passion for all things that grow. That’s when Genesis 1:13 inspired them:

“And God said, ‘Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth:’ and it was so. And the evening and the morning were the third day.”

“It was important for our name to reference God because without Him, none of this would be possible,” Carpenter said. “In our logo, you will find two leaves cradling the sun and opening like a flower pod. This represents nature, new beginnings, hope and growth.  This is it – the perfect representation of our family-owned, God fearing, home and garden center!”

The Local Community

Carpenter said her favorite part about living in the Ashe County area is the people. Not only is the community kind and helpful on a personal level, but Third Day Market received an outpouring of support when they opened their doors in March. It’s that appreciation for the local people they’ve always loved that has also driven the Carpenter and Smith family to continually give back. 

This past fall, Third Day Market hosted their 7th Annual Pumpkin Celebration for the Ashe County Sharing Center Food Bank and collected more than $500 for the charity. Each year they choose a different local non-profit and give 100 percent of the donations collected. But according to Carpenter, it’s more than just a fundraiser as they provide free activities such as face painting, bounce houses, and train rides as a way to give back to the community that’s always been there for them.

“I hope I can forever use Third Day Market to reach people and let them know they are loved,” Carpenter said. “We spend a lot of time here just talking with customers and learning about their joys and even their current griefs. It’s such a blessing to be able to meet new people every day and share the love of our God.”

Located in Jefferson, NC, Third Day Market is open Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, visit

This article was originally written for the Winter 2018 Edition of The Journey magazine.

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